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MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2007, 11:43 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
Hi to all, this is my first post here, great forum!!
I'm an Italian owner of a wonderful Seat Leon 1M (old one) Fr TDI 150cv l.e. Monza.
In Italy i'm the only one that has been able to install a SPORT EDITION FULL-FIS tacho from a golf IV, after 1,5 years fo project's study with the help of the guys on gti-tdi.de.

Right now i'd like to install a OEM navi (VW MFD1,2,3 or AUDI RNS-E), i've to choose wich one is the best for my expectation.
I need the navi to speak with the FIS, and it should be able to read MP3 and show the id3 tags on the navi's display and possibly on the upper part of the FIS too..

Science fiction??

I've already read this discussion,


I've found out that the electrical wirings of the leon are more similar to the golf4 one's instead of audi a3 8l, in fact the 2 tachos are plug&play, only to be recoded and everything works perfectly.No additional/change of wirings, only 2 new wires to get the 4 open doors symbol to work.

I imagine that a VW navi could be the better choice for compatibility, but mfd1 and 2 can't read mp3 theirself (they need addiotional disposal) and right now there is no way to display on the screen the id3 tags of the mp3, nor on the upper part of the fis.To get this i should buy a MFD3 / RNS-510, but it's too new and expensive, and i've no idea if it's compatible with the golf 4 system.
it'd be ok to me even the old MFD1, if only it could read mp3 and display the id3 tags on it and on the fis..
right now i know that Dension should produce a ipod interface that MAYBE could solve the id3 tags problems on the MFD1 and 2..it should be ready in September/October..

So i tought at Audi RNS-E, it should be great about the mp3 matters, but i'm not sure it will be compatible with the golf 4 fis (navi indications, and id3 tags on the upper part).

What do you suggest to me??

Someone with golf 4 that has already done this kind of upgrade could help me??

Upgrade:thanks to a passatworld's guy, i've found out that a MFD2 can work with MK4-based platforms FIS.
some news (maybe old).

I've finally understood some things regarding the FIS..

For the golf 4 with CAN-BUS (those after 2002) can be fully installed the MFD2 of the touareg.Only that one.

Unfortunately the MFD2 of the touran and golf the V cannot be installed.

This because they work to 2 various speeds of can-bus.

The MFD2 of the touareg works at 1.6 as on golf 4 (and therefore it is possible to make the upgrade).

The MFD2 of touran/Golf 5 works to 2.0, therefore it's totally incompatible.

To this point is officially stated that it's impossible to mount the MFD3 on golf 4 and to hope in the compatibility with the MK4 system. (stated that all the upgrade to MFD3 came from MFD2 installed on golf V, therefore with can 2.0).

I don't know the can-speed of the Audi RNS-E and about his compatibility with the MK4 / 3BG FIS..

Maybe some strange type of emulators of can-bus could exist to emulates the 2,0 on systems 1,6. But from what I have read in other forums, it does not seem possible.

Therefore we must head all at touareg's MFD2. Hoping that in the future it'll receive some upgrade to add id3 tag mp3 thing.

But in all probability it will remain an utopy.

But at least is really good news that we can get MFD2 instead of 1 on MK4-based platform with the FIS fully working!!

IF you get some kind of interface to try to see the Mp3 tags on FIS and/or on the mfd2 display, please keep me upgraded with your results!!

Thanks again!!

See you,

Sorry for my bad english.


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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2007, 12:29 
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J'passe tout mon temps ici
J'passe tout mon temps ici

Inscription: 07 Jan 2006, 12:39
Messages: 3214
Localisation: Bas-Rhin
Région: 67

Golf IV TDI 110
Basis de Fév 2002
Ciao M206!

Benvenuto su questo foro! Sono italiano anche. Ti rispondo in inglese affinché tutti comprendano.

What you have explained is very interesting and maybe some people here can help you.
Alex88p has put a Touareg Navi in his Golf and has got a FIS tacho in It.

I give you the way to his page: http://www.golfiv.fr/viewtopic.php?t=37 ... sc&start=0

He can do lots of great things and I think he can help you.


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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 03 Oct 2007, 13:02 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
Ciao Masterpiece!

Grazie della risposta!!

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, i've already take a look at that discussion with the search key "MFD2".

Maybe Alex88 could help us and show up if he has found a way to get the Id3 tags of the mp3 running on his RNS2 diplay and therefore even on the upper part of his fis.

And i'd like to have alex88's thoughs about the 1.6 to 2.0 can-bus speed.
Did you already know that??
And most important, is it true??

here is the guy with passat with RNS2 like the Alex88's one.


there i've posted a strange fis photos that seems to be some kind of id3 tags, but it's referred to another guy whose installe a RNS-E on his passat and can't get the navi info on his FIS.

instead here we have a SEAT ALTEA with MFD2 with a media center that shows up the titles of the Mp3, but i still don't know if he got the mp3 infos on his FIS too..


keep us each others updated!!

thanks and byez!!

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 26 Mai 2008, 10:04 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
Ehi guys, just look what i've found!! :hallu:


finally it seems that some kind of kufatec interface is working!! :hallu:

this is T5 multivan with 1.6 to 2.0 kufatec interface, and from the video it works!! :D

what do you think?

is there a way to contact the user??


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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 27 Mai 2008, 08:13 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
M206 a écrit:
Ehi guys, just look what i've found!! :hallu:


finally it seems that some kind of kufatec interface is working!! :hallu:

this is T5 multivan with 1.6 to 2.0 kufatec interface, and from the video it works!! :D

what do you think?

is there a way to contact the user??


bad news..i've ask to kufatec and they said that this interface won't work on golf 4..cause even if both (golf4 and T5) has can-bus at 1.6, here their reply :

"Dear Sir,

no, you can not use this interface. It will not work since the
golf 4 does not have the required information on it's can-bus.

We're sorry but we cannot help you."

Do anyone knows which are the differences between the can bus of the t5 and the golf 4??

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 Sujet du message:
MessagePosté: 23 Sep 2008, 09:50 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
up.. :roll:

any news about this project?? :?2:

noone interested in mfd3 in golf4?? :heu:

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MessagePosté: 05 Sep 2011, 09:21 
Golfiste Timide
Golfiste Timide

Inscription: 02 Mar 2007, 16:17
Messages: 35
Localisation: italy
Région: 04

Autre Skoda TDI 150
Autre de Sep 2005
After several years of waiting, I've finally been able to finish my installation!!

Everything works fine, bluetooth included, here you are some pics:




ImageSpecial thanks to user power4ever on forumstdiclub that sold me everything and explain how to install it, and everyone that helped me during my installation problems (graeme86)

soon more pics!!


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